Zhejiang Sanle Plastic Co., Ltd is a leading OEM/ODM supplier of customized plastic containers for world-leading multinationals. We make customized items for various industries, and we don’t have customers, only clients – list that includes Nestle, Clinique, Estee Lauder, Shisedo, Abbot Laboratories, and Quiznos, among many others.Why? Because Sanle Plastics boasts advanced design, development, and manufacturing to match any industry peer worldwide.
We deliver packaging solutions and results, doing so with fast, exceptional service that never fails to be polite, friendly and sincere. Sanle Plastics exclusively uses recyclable and safety plastics for all our products, either PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP or PS.
Items generally fall into one of three broad categories, the first of which is containers including bottles, jars, boxes, jugs and vials. Secondly is closures, which may be dispensing or non-dispensing, sprayers, droppers or pumps. Lastly is accessories, a group spanning such diverse items as faucets, bottle openers, measuring cups and funnels among others. Sanle Plastics manufacturing capacity is millions of pieces per month of any item you may require.
With excellent in-house design, R&D, and testing Sanle Plastics can customize your product for function, style, or coloration including decoration, labeling and printing. Along with clients and independently, we conduct extensive market research and testing to ensure each item is what the end-user actually wants and needs. Not that it takes long or requires a big commitment from you though, as we offer fast lead times and free samples.
Sanle Plastics began nearly a quarter century ago through the commitment of two people to each other, husband and wife Diping Wu and MayaYu. The company has consequently grown step by step over the past 26 years through similarly deep commitments – one by one – to both clients and staff.This solid foundation, built daily through an unwavering ethos, is the basis for our rapid growth since it consistently wins us greater trust and more business. Precisely because of the deep commitments we make toclients and to building a business future with them, they are selected by us just as carefully as they choose their suppliers. That said, we’re looking to add to our fine roster and would therefore like a chance to speak directly with you. You’ll be glad you did.
Sanle Plastics – the sincere plastic people